The Early Years Make-Overs

Next was my dog, Lady. She was like my sister and only sibling growing up. She went everywhere with me 16 years. I only have one picture of her in a hat I had made from newspaper but I can remember many more make-over incidents with her as my model.
In the mid-80's I got Konika Snow. Notice a pattern here?
My favorite early make-overs were my trolls. In the mid-60's trolls had no decent clothes to wear. I didn't do anything for Barbie because she already had it all. I wanted to help the ones in need of my attention. Then one day as I explored my mother's sewing kit I found fabric, bric-a-brac and other essentials to design clothes for most of my trolls. Looking at this picture you can see why I didn't turn out to be a clothing designer.
Now I work on real people. What a great way to make a difference and a living...