View the Latest Make-Overs
I recently held two days of make-overs for women who were ready for a boost in confidence or just wanted an image update. I had them use a color in their before picture that was not the most flattering - but was something from their current wardrobe that they might wear. The after picture included some clothing from Cabi consultant, Suzanne M. who was kind enough to bring her clothes for us to use in the photo shoot.
As you will notice, color and make-up make a huge difference in your appearance. The make-up used was Face Options mineral cosmetics and the hair stylists are Amy Cole and Adria Romero of Essence Salon in Pasadena, CA.
L-R: Hair Stylists, Amy Cole and Adria Romero
My specialty is daytime make-up which looks very natural in person but tends to get washed out in photos if the lighting is not right - too bright in this case. This will be corrected for the next photo shoot. In person there was actually a bigger difference than you can see in some of the photos. The models were very happy with their new look and you can read their stories and comments below.
Meet Robbie P.
Robbie is an Esthetician and successful business owner of Essence of You, a skin care clinic and spa in Bakersfield, CA. She has taken many of my classes and wanted to experience a make-over based on the image template we designed for her during my "Image & Essence" class. Robbie is someone you feel comfortable with right away. She has had an interesting and diverse life and is always good for a story or two. Normally very casual, she was ready for something new. Here is what happened when she arrived back home after participating in 2 days of hair and make-up make-overs.

She wrote this the next day to me, "When I got home my husband met me at the door and I was pleasantly surprised. For the first time in 11 years he was speechless! He liked the new me!" She continued, "I appreciated being a part of your make-over days. I learned so much. Just think of the lives you changed in those 48 hours! When I returned to work I got all kinds of compliments. No one has seen me dressed up in years! Linda you truly have a gift the whole world needs."
Robbie's Before & After Pictures

Meet Patricia P.
Patricia is a successful business woman in real estate. With 28 years in the business she is a top producer. “I love matching people with homes and helping them to realize their ideal lifestyle." One look at Patricia and you see her fun and imaginative side. She is comfortable with herself and shows her uniqueness in her appearance. She was very excited to be a part of the make-over days. To Patricia a make-over means discovering a new faction of yourself. She shared, "I like being myself and taking care of myself. I’m one of my favorite people. I have worked hard to be this person so it’s okay."
Patricia's comments on the day, "It was a really nice experience and I thought it was really neat. I got a new perspective of myself through Linda's and Amy's eyes. I love it, I love the hair color and I do my make-up differently now. I have been filling in my eyebrows with brown now instead of the red color and I have been getting a lot of compliments on my new look."

Attractive, chic, memorable, ageless, confident, credible,accomplished, dynamic, fun, sexy, vivacious and imaginative, describe Patricia's ideal image of herself.
Meet Lori Ann Robinson
Lori is an award-winning costume designer who now has a successful Image Consulting business in southern CA. She is one of the first people I met when I moved to Pasadena and we have maintained a friendship ever since. Lori already uses my make-up, Face Options Mineral Cosmetics and comes in for regular updates.
She comments, "I love wearing Face Options! My skin looks flawless and I receive loads of compliments. I have tried many brands over the years, and Face Options mineral make-up is by far my favorite. I won't wear anything else." In regards to the make-over day, "Working with Linda is such a treat. I learn from her every time she applies my make-up. She is such a skilled and talented artist. We all had such a great time filming and watching each others transformations."

Glamorous, fun friendly, credible, vibrant, healthy, observant, cheerful, kind, entertaining and knowledgeable describe Lori's ideal image of herself
Meet Suzanne M.
Suzanne is a business owner with two hats. One is her professional job as an office space planner and contract furniture sales and the other is as a designer clothing consultant for Cabi clothing. Suzanne actually supplied the clothes for some of the make-overs in the photo shoot. Her love of matching clothing with the right people became clear in the two days we worked together.
Suzanne's comments, "Being a very busy woman and a single mom to a 13 year old boy, it is difficult to slow down and pay attention to my style. I wear beautiful clothes, get my hair cut and colored regularly, do pedicures and I have always believed that I do enough to express my success in my appearance. What was very evident after having worked with Linda is that I needed a tune up. After spending an afternoon with Linda I was told by two people that I looked great. When I asked in what way, each responded by saying that I looked younger and brighter. It is amazing what a little pampering and self-attention with Linda's guidance can do."

worldly, upbeat, original, adventurous, appealing, describes Suzanne's ideal image of herself